Aug 20, 2018  e. In the properties window, under Driver tab, click on Uninstall button. To remove the software for xbox 360 controller, follow these steps. Press Windows key + R from desktop and type appwiz.cpl, click Ok. From the list find the Xbox 360 wireless controller software. Right-click and uninstall it. Re-install the driver from the below link. Reinstall Xbox 360 Controller Driver on Windows 10 Step 1: Open 'Device Manager.' Press Windows Key and X (Windows+X) at the same time. Click ‘View’ in the menu items, and then click on ‘Show Hidden Devices’. Once through this step, a lot of devices which were previously hidden.

Posted by3 years ago

Hi guys,

My Xbox360 controller has the widespread issue of drifting sticks. This means the analogsticks dont stay centered but can move in a certain range when not touched, and so they give input to the game.

In Helldivers, there seems to be no deadzone for the controller meaning that even the slightest input will trigger a reaction. In my case, the right analog stick made me start aming randomly which was a huge pain.

I had to try a lot of solutions and most of them did not work, maybe i can spare one of you guys the time.

Stuff that does not work with Helldivers: Durazno, Pinnacle Game Profiler

What does work: A japanese made custom driver. Download it here: [Link deleted]

You will have to install it manually using the device manager from Windows. Make sure to extract the whole zip, not only the .inf

After installing, start the .exe in the unpacked directory. An icon will appear in the tray, giving you a lot of settings to play with. You can set a deadzone for the sticks here. In my case, 25% was needed.

I needed to remap the keys within Helldivers, eventhough the controller is still recognised as XBOX 360 controller. Apart from that, this works flawlessly.

Hope this can help anyone!


I have installed my drivers and paired the device up to the computer. I have given it a quick run through on Steam Big Picture mode to make sure it's all working and behaving as I'd expect it to, but now I need to spend time doing something else. I have exited Big Picture mode but my Wireless Xbox 360 Controller for Windows has remained powered and doesn't seem to want to switch itself off.

I have tried holding down the Guide button in the middle of the controller, which is how I switched it on in the first place, but this doesn't appear to do anything. I also can't find any other buttons on the controller that would seem to affect whether the controller is powered or not.

How can I turn off a Wireless Xbox 360 Controller for Windows?

14.6k21 gold badges87 silver badges154 bronze badges
62.3k131 gold badges399 silver badges586 bronze badges

7 Answers

If you're playing a 'Games for Windows Live' enabled game, you should be able to shut it off through the fancy Windows Live menu that appears get when you press and hold the Guide button (the big green X in the center).

If you're not playing a Windows Live, enabled game, it looks like you're out of luck; the only way to shut off your controller short of popping the batteries out is to leave it inactive for a period of time (reports online vary; anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes seems to cover the range).

However, you're not the only one who has been annoyed by this, it seems. I found a free utility for Windows that appears to give you some extra functionality when you press and hold the Guide button, and it allows you to shut off your controller through a brand new dialog box.

Check it out: Xbox 360 Controller Manager

Note: The english description is below the Hungarian one on the linked website.

16.2k21 gold badges88 silver badges187 bronze badges

Xbox 360 Controller Driver Windows 10

Try this alternative application:

From it's sourceforge description:

This program have only one function. Double click it and all Xbox Controllers will be turned off.

Program have no dialogs or settings. It don't required administrator rights. It don't running as service or startup application, after turning off controller program will exit itself.

You can add shortcut to desktop and configure hot key to turn off your controller.

Examining the source files leaves us with no doubts, its an elegant and simple solution.

How To Remove Xbox 360 Controller Driver

Xbox 360 Controller Manager solves the problem.

How To Remove Xbox 360 Controller Driver Download can power off the wireless Xbox 360 controller with the long press of the Guide button at the center of the controller. Long press of the Guide button will popup the following message.

The app is only 343KB.

31.3k68 gold badges228 silver badges424 bronze badges

With the controller turned on, turn the controller sideways so that the triggers are facing your palm, then 'pinch' it on the Guide button (thumb) and the battery holder (index finger) at the same time. Make sure you press on the middle of the battery holder.

This turns off both of my Wireless XBox 360 Controllers for Windows on Windows 10 without an external application. It doesn't matter whether Steam is running or not. I'm not sure whether this is OS/driver dependent. It is probably a hardware feature. If you take a closer look at the battery pack, there appears to be some sort of a switch on it.

I found this out the hard way by experimenting. Have had these controllers for years and always just left them to shutdown via timeout.

Unfortunately I appear to be the single person online that is turning the controller off this way. Most solutions suggest installing third party software. I'd be interested to know whether this works for other systems (it could be that both of my controllers are simply bugged).

How To Remove Xbox 360 Controller Driver Windows 10


There isn't any way that I have found besides popping the batteries out and putting them back in. It's very annoying, and causes the batteries to run down far too fast.

SaintWackoXbox 360 controller pc driverSaintWacko
24.2k12 gold badges94 silver badges156 bronze badges

There are two ways:

  • Turn off your computer
  • Get the battery pack or charging pack out.

How To Remove Xbox 360 Controller Driver Windows 7

62.3k131 gold badges399 silver badges586 bronze badges

download this program. Just double click and controller should turn off...

Install Xbox 360 Controller


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